CII AI Forum

CII AI Forum

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the biggest technological breakthroughs of the 21st century and is touching upon almost every sector of the Indian economy. The rise in digitalization and globalization cohesively have opened new avenues for AI to transform the shape of the country in remarkable and innovative ways. Increasing awareness to utilize its potential and tremendously growing activities in the field of AI have penetrated numerous sectors such as retail, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, IT and e-commerce, agriculture, and waste management etc.

India, being the fast-growing economies is set to lead the AI revolution and is emerging as a key destination for AI innovation. There is strong need for the strategic approach and dialogue on the similar lines to connect the Indian industries especially the large numbered MSMEs, start-ups, research institutes, academia, and government as well. Towards taking the India forward in AI, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) constituted the CII AI Forum in 2019.

Theme : Enabling Indian Industry to adopt Responsible AI for accelerated growthEnabling Indian Industry to adopt Responsible AI for accelerated growth


  • To support Indian industry esp. MSME to build their competence towards adoption of AI technologies.
  • To create benchmark by recognizing efforts of technology providers and user Industries in the areas of AI.
  • To build awareness, develop skilled human resource and implement AI-based pilot projects through partnerships for ‘Skill India Program’.
  • To support government taking forward the vision of ‘Digital India’.

Key Initiatives

  • Policy Advocacy and recommendations to the government
  • Pilot project(s) to showcase the best used cases of AI, their impact and accelerate their adoption in identified sub-sectors.
  • Networking and Learning Platforms – International Conference, Seminars, and webinars on various aspects of Artificial Intelligence and other allied emerging technologies
  • Awards & Recognition- Recognizing efforts of technology providers and user Industries in the areas of AI
  • Stakeholder Engagements – Government, International bodies, industry, academia, research institutes and media working in the AI discipline